Tag: Cybersmart

This week for cybersmart we had to find a blog from a student in rooms 16, 17 and 18 and comment on their blog. I found a kid who was called T.J and this is the blog comment that I sent to him.

I hope you enjoy being tortured by reading this and please leave a comment.

Shrek’s about me

Gday fellow mouth breathers

My Name is ogre nah just kidding it’s Shrek and i’m an ogre. I’m from a kingdom far far away that is full of people like me known as ogre’s

I’m an ogre. People would think that I’m gonna eat them but I’m just trying to be myself.

I like to be alone, keep myself entertained and smother myself with mud. I use bug blood for toothpaste.


Today my class had to make a about me on Shrek. i didnot fully finish mine because i forget a lot about Shrek.

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